ShareASale Merchant Account Interface | ShareASale Dashboard

ShareASale Merchant Account Interface

Ways to make money online by sharing affiliate links from ShareASale

 ShareASale provides an overview of the merchant account and interface. We cover various reports that can be accessed, such as the transaction detail report which shows all transaction information, the affiliate time span report that displays active affiliates and their performance metrics, the year in review report for monthly and yearly stats, and the weekly progress report for daily program stats. You can set up different creative assets like banners, text links, coupons, HTML creatives, and videos for the affiliate program.

We will also discuss managing affiliates, setting up commission rules, and accessing additional support and resources through the help centre, partner discovery, and resources and guides sections. Overall, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the merchant account and interface on ShareASale, offering valuable insights and tips for managing an affiliate program effectively.

Overview of Merchant Account and Interface on ShareASale

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Overview of Merchant Account and Interface

Introduction to ShareASale merchant account

Welcome to ShareASale! In this comprehensive article, we will provide you with an overview of the merchant account and interface on ShareASale. How does ShareASale work? Whether you are new to the platform or looking to brush up on your knowledge, we will cover all the important aspects that you should be aware of as you grow your affiliate program on the network.

Importance of understanding the interface

Understanding the merchant account interface is crucial for effectively managing your affiliate program. The interface provides you with valuable tools and reports that allow you to track and analyse your program’s performance. By gaining a deep understanding of the interface, you will be better equipped to make informed decisions and optimize your program for success. ShareASAle, How does it work?

Transaction Detail Report

Explanation of transaction detail report

The transaction detail report is a powerful tool that allows you to track each transaction in real-time. It provides detailed information such as date, order ID, transaction ID, sale amount, commission, transaction fee, and more. This report is essential for monitoring the performance of your affiliates and keeping track of your program’s financials.

Inclusion of transaction information

The transaction detail report includes all the necessary information to help you analyse each transaction. The date and time stamp provide you with the exact time the transaction occurred. The order ID is tied to the order number on your website, making it easy to trace back to the customer’s purchase. Additionally, the transaction ID is a unique identifier used for backend reporting.

Benefits of utilising the report

By utilising the transaction detail report, you can gain valuable insights into your program’s performance. The report allows you to track sales, commissions, and transaction fees, enabling you to monitor your program’s profitability. Additionally, you can identify any issues or discrepancies and take appropriate action to ensure the smooth operation of your program.

Affiliate Time Span Report

Display of active affiliates

The affiliate time span report provides a comprehensive view of all affiliates who have generated some level of activity for your program within a specified time frame. This report is a valuable resource for identifying which affiliates are currently active and assessing their performance.

Performance metrics provided

With the affiliate time span report, you can access various performance metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of your affiliates. Metrics such as total clicks, commissions, and number of sales help you gauge the performance of your affiliates and identify top performers within a specific time frame.

Understanding the significance of the report

The affiliate time span report plays a crucial role in understanding your program’s performance over a specified period. By analyzing this report, you can identify high-performing affiliates, track their growth, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your program’s success.

Year in Review Report

Reviewing monthly and yearly stats

The year in review report provides a comprehensive overview of your program’s performance on a monthly and yearly basis. It allows you to review trends, identify patterns, and assess your program’s growth over time.

Insight into program performance

By reviewing monthly and yearly stats, you can gain valuable insight into your program’s performance. This report helps you identify any monthly trends, compare performance metrics over time, and make informed decisions to drive your program’s success.

Benefits of analyzing the report

Analysing the year in review report provides you with a holistic view of your program’s performance. It helps you identify areas of improvement, set realistic goals, and develop strategies to achieve them. Additionally, by understanding your program’s performance, you can effectively allocate resources and optimize your program for success.

Weekly Progress Report

Showing daily stats

The weekly progress report provides you with rolled-up daily stats for your program. It allows you to track your program’s daily performance and monitor any fluctuations or trends over time.

Tracking program growth

By utilising the weekly progress report, you can track your program’s growth on a daily basis. This report provides you with valuable insights into your program’s performance, allowing you to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to drive growth.

Importance of the report in decision-making

The weekly progress report plays a crucial role in your decision-making process. By tracking your program’s daily stats, you can identify any issues or opportunities and take timely action. This report empowers you to make informed decisions to optimize your program and drive its success.

Setting up Creative Assets

Banners and their setup process

Banners are an essential creative asset for your affiliate program. They are clickable images that affiliates can place on their websites to redirect users to your website. Setting up banners involves uploading the image, providing relevant information such as name, category, landing page URL, and specifying its visibility to affiliates. Banners come on all different shapes and sizes and can be used in your Blogs, Website or your social media.

Banner Sizes

  • Banner (468×60)
  • Billboard (970×250)
  • Button (125×125)
  • Button 2 (120 x 60)
  • Half Banner (234 x 60)
  • Half Page (300 x 600)
  • Large Rectangle (336 x 280)
  • Medium Rectangle (300 x 250)

Text links and their configuration

Text links are clickable text that affiliates can use to promote your products or deals on their websites. They are particularly useful for affiliates with copy-heavy websites. Adding a text link involves adding the link text, specifying the landing page URL, and setting its visibility to affiliates.

Coupons and their implementation

Coupons are a great way to incentivise customers and attract new affiliates. Adding coupons to your creative inventory allows you to notify affiliates about available discounts or deals. You can include coupon codes in your creative assets, and affiliates can generate their own tracking links associated with those coupons.

HTML creatives and their usage

HTML creatives are used to provide more flexibility and customization in your creative assets. While setting up HTML creatives requires familiarity with HTML code, they can be a powerful tool to showcase your products or promotions. However, keep in mind that ShareASale’s support team cannot assist with HTML code setup.

Videos for enhancing affiliates’ promotions

Videos are an engaging and interactive way to showcase your products to affiliates. You can upload videos in MP4 format and specify their hosting. Videos can be a valuable addition to your creative assets, providing affiliates with more visual content to promote your products effectively.

Managing Affiliates

Approval process for affiliates

Managing affiliates starts with the approval process. As a merchant, you have the ability to review and approve or decline affiliate applications to join your program. This step ensures that you have control over the affiliates who promote your products or services.

Different types of application statuses

ShareASale provides different application statuses to categorize and manage your affiliates effectively. These statuses include approved, pending, and auto-approved. Approved affiliates are active and participating in your program, while pending affiliates are awaiting your review. Auto-approved affiliates are automatically approved for your program based on specific criteria set by you.

Handling approved, pending, and auto-approved applications

Handling approved, pending, and auto-approved applications requires regular monitoring and communication with affiliates. As a merchant, you have the ability to assign personalized commission rates, view affiliate performance metrics, give bonuses, and manage the overall relationship with your affiliates.

Benefits of efficient affiliate management

Efficient affiliate management is crucial for the success of your program. By managing your affiliates effectively, you can build strong relationships, provide timely support, and optimize their promotional efforts. This, in turn, maximizes your chances of driving sales and generating revenue through your affiliate program.

Recruitment Tool

Browsing potential affiliates

The recruitment tool on ShareASale allows you to browse and discover potential affiliates for your program. It provides a database of affiliates who may be interested in promoting products or services in your niche. By exploring this tool, you can identify affiliates who align with your program’s goals and target audience.

Inviting affiliates to join the program

Once you have identified potential affiliates using the recruitment tool, you can send them an invitation to join your program. This invitation acts as an introduction to your program and provides details on the benefits of becoming an affiliate for your brand. Customizing your invitation and highlighting the unique features of your program can help attract high-quality affiliates.

Effective strategies for affiliate recruitment

Recruiting affiliates is an ongoing process that requires strategic thinking and effort. Some effective strategies for affiliate recruitment include leveraging your existing network, reaching out to influencers or bloggers in your niche, participating in industry events or conferences, and offering competitive commission rates. By implementing these strategies, you can attract top affiliates and grow your program.

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Commission Rules

Assignment of custom commission rates

Commission rules allow you to assign custom commission rates to different affiliates or groups of affiliates. This flexibility enables you to incentivize top performers, provide different rates for different products or services, and offer special promotions or bonuses. By tailoring commission rates to individual affiliates, you can motivate them to promote your brand more effectively.

Setting up rules based on specific conditions

Commission rules can be set up based on specific conditions such as sales amount, product category, or affiliate performance metrics. For example, you can offer a higher commission rate for affiliates who generate a certain number of sales per month or provide increased incentives for promoting specific products. These rules provide you with granular control over your program’s commission structure.

Benefits of flexible commission rules

Flexible commission rules offer multiple benefits for your affiliate program. They allow you to reward affiliates based on their individual performance, recognize top performers, and drive desired actions. By customizing your commission rules, you can tailor incentives to align with your program’s goals and maximize the effectiveness of your affiliates’ promotional efforts.


In conclusion, understanding the merchant account and interface on ShareASale is crucial for effectively managing your affiliate program. By utilizing the various reports, setting up creative assets, managing affiliates, leveraging recruitment tools, and implementing commission rules, you can optimize your program’s performance and drive success. Remember to regularly analyze reports, communicate with your affiliates, and adapt your strategies to ensure long-term growth and profitability. With a solid understanding of the merchant account and interface, you are well-equipped to navigate the world of affiliate marketing on ShareASale.

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